As Sophie walks along the beach she kicks a glass bottle. I was a bit worried about finding a glass bottle the right size, as my puppet is very small and it would have been difficult to make one. Luckily Rob has a tabasco sauce, which was the perfect size.
Shot 13 was very tricky as I had to animate her taking off her necklace and making it swing side to side as though is was a chain. As well as animating the necklace going in to the bottle. I had two problems with this because one, the shell was too big to fit in, so I had to crush it to fit it inside. Problem two, was that the necklace was longer than her arm length, so she couldn't drop it in from above. In the end I decided to make her look like she was threading it in, which I thought look fine.
Another thing I had to do was super glue the bottle to her hand, because there was no way I could attach it due to it being glass. I was very worried that the hand would be destroyed, but it luckily peeled off