Thursday, 22 September 2011

3 Minute idea

This is the plot line I've come up with for the lighthouse idea.

The lighthouse keeper comes out of his front door of his lighthouse. The radio broadcasts that the weather is going to be nice. He looks at his lighthouse and realises how dirty it. Deciding it is a good day for cleaning, he goes back in and grabs a bucket and sponge. As he’s cleaning he finds an empty bird’s nest at the top of the lighthouse. When he removes it an angry seagull flies down at him. Not impressed the lighthouse keeper shoos the seagull away, which in return the seagull poo’s on his head. From here on the seagull gives a hard time for the lighthouse keeper, being a nuisance and coursing accidents, which stop the lighthouse keeper finishing cleaning. Angrier and angrier the lighthouse keeper gets, till he can’t take it anymore, and comes up with an ingenious plan to put marmite on to a sandwich. Just as he planned the seagull swoops down and steals the sandwich off him. It starts to eat away at it and chokes in disgust and flies off very upset. The lighthouse keeper is very proud of himself and finishes off cleaning the lighthouse. The next day the lighthouse keeper wonders what’s happened to the seagull, as he hasn’t seen it all night and all day. Then in the distance he sees a white cloud moving quickly towards him, but as it comes closer he notices it’s a flock of seagulls. He runs inside for cover and the seagulls’ poo all over, covering the lighthouse.

Some sketches of the seagull.

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